Stephen & Lillian started dating in January of 2022. Stephen lives in the United States of America and Lillian lives in Zambia, Africa! God has brought these two wonderful people together for such beautiful purposes! Lillian and Stephen both have a passion for Children and a desire to reach the unheard. They have fully given their hearts to Jesus Christ and the mission that God has set before them, to impact Choma, Zambia with the love of God!
Hello, my name is Stephen Ferrante. I was born with cerebral palsy and almost died at birth. As a child, I faced many trials and tribulations, but it was my relationship with Jesus Christ that saw me through every one of them. When I was 14, God audibly spoke to me, telling me that I was called to Africa. It became my dream to visit Africa someday, but that dream was overshadowed by fear. As years passed, the dream felt lost, but a dream from the Lord can never be forgotten. I set a daily reminder in my phone to pray for the children in Africa. Although I thought the dream was fading, it was actually growing stronger. In 2022, I attended a mission school in Zambia, Africa, guided by the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
Hello, my names is Lillian Gondwe. Growing up was really rough, having a single parent was hard for us to eat 3 meals a day. My Mother didn't earn enough to feed us and that meant that we had to share everything.
As I went to Sunday School, I heard that God was a Father and a provider, and I was expectant that God will provide more than we needed. Yet as time went by things didn't change and I would wake up hungry and shaking because there was no food. I told myself that God didn't care about us, and He was not a provider. I left the church, and I started providing for myself the way the world would do it.
A few years later I didn't find satisfaction in what the world was giving but all I got was pain, rejection and no purpose. I felt broken and lost then I decided to go back to God. I reintroduced myself to Him and I totally surrendered myself to Him and I let Him be my King and Savior. Since then, life has never been the same!
He has given me a purpose and that is to show his beauty and love to the kids. He called me to the vulnerable ones.
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